From:                                         Forrest Colliver <>

Sent:                                           Sunday, March 10, 2019 12:20

To:                                               Hal Adams AviaGlobal Group LLC

Cc:                                               Lee Carlson AviaGlobal Group LLC

Subject:                                     Re: Status: AeroNextGen Solutions SAS


Categories:                              GpgOL: Level 4 trust in '', GpgOL: Encrypted Message


One amusing note: you will see on page 2 of the attachment that the fee to register a company in France is 63.13 €.  Seems pretty modest...wonder where the 13 cents came in...

On 10/03/2019 15:16, Forrest Colliver wrote:


I'm back at the keyboard after fighting some truly awful kind of respiratory flu/plague for the past five days.  At least I was able to finish HAI, fly back to DC Wednesday night, and make the CMC contact on Friday...then I went horizontal for 48 hours.

Concerning my company registration, I received the attached confirmation that the ID numbers have been assigned.  The attached document (a "récépissé", or official government certification) shows the ID numbers, and formally allows me to do business for one month while I await postal mail receipt of the "extrait d'immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS)" or "K bis" as they call it.  The numbers will not change, so I think this should allow the finalisation of any remaining AGG documentation.  The K bis will contain additional information showing me as the "Président", Elaine & me as owners, the VAT number, etc., along with information on capitalisation and other financial elements.  It is a publicly accessible document - privately held companies in France are publicly disclosed in terms of ownership and financial aspects.

I'm not sure what "numbers" the Arizona LLC registrars need, but here is how it works in France.

Two numbers are assigned:

I'm guessing the SIREN will suffice, adding to it the information that the company is registered in Strasbourg by the "Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS)".


Let me know if this gives you what you need to keep moving on the LLC.


Best regards,





             Phoenix – Grand Rapids – Strasbourg

Forrest Colliver

Co-Founder & Managing Partner - Solutions

2, rue Schweighaeuser,  67000 Strasbourg  FRANCE

Mobile  +33

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