Aero Consulting
Avia International
International Marketing Group
Atlanic Consulting Group

TJ Meeting 1/4/2023 11:00am EST
R&D shop - capabilities: accelerometers, True Blue system
Kitting - battery install kits
"we can supply your needs"
DERs, access to DARs, FAA access - access to machine shops, electronic manufacturing

More than just STCs, complete turnkey systems including PMA componets for entire installations

Approved enginering packages: Beyond a field approval and independent of FAA workload

what is Peregrine: dynamic, nimble, thorough, timely, self contained and controlled

Value through thoroughness, timely ad quality

Personalized engineering solutions: STC or serial number specific engineering packages

P-51 projects

ODA: Hold FAA to timeline. Goal is AEA announcement

Visit us at AEA!

Low risk, high value - Bringing safety and redundacy to legacy aircraft using proven modern equipment

Scrolling pictures: Bizjet, products, one-offs, R&D

Flying to Mexico? You need TCAS II 7.1 and FDR

Overall Updates:
- Emphasize capabilities beyond STCs: PMA, Kits, High Value serial number specific engineering packages (P-51)
- More than just STCs, complete turnkey systems including PMA components for entire installations
- Move to replace stock photos with Peregrine photos
- Hint at AEA announcement
- Prepare/plan for daily AEA press releases

Near-term Updates:
- "Flying to Mexico?" TCAS 7.1, FDR and ADS-B feature
- Include P-51 projects to show versatility
- Add additional pictures to carosel
- SHOW kit, R&D, engieneering package capability