ransport Category Airplane STCs Search: STC Title Available from STC Doc AML Doc ST00790DE Installation of BendixKing CAS 67B Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) II Version 7.1 Peregrine Avionics ST00790DE.pdf ST00790DE_AML.pdf ST01035DE Installation of replacement aft bay Heat Exchanger Blower Fans Peregrine Avionics ST01035DE.pdf ST01066DE Installation of the Aviation Clean Air (ACA) Airborne Air & Surface Purification System on aircraft listed in the Approvel Model List. Peregrine Avionics ST01066DE.pdf ST01066DE-AML.pdf ST01075DE Installation of Supplemental Flap/Slat Actuator Heater System Peregrine Avionics ST01075DE.pdf ST00813DE Replacement of Honeywell (formerly Sperry) ED-800 cathode ray tube (CRT) display, part number 7003110-90 I or 7003110-902, with Esterline CMC Electronics CMA-6800 multi-purpose liquid crystal display (LCD), in accordance with Master Drawing List, E-DI-15-0002, Rev. A, dated March 11, 2016, or later FAA approved revision. DAC International ST00813DE.pdf ST00813DE_AML.pdf ST00835DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out and In functionality using the Garmin GTX 335R and GTX 345R Transponders plus qualified position sensor SEAerospace ST00835DE.pdf ST00835DE_AML.pdf ST00841DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out functionality using the Rockwell Collins TDR-94D Enhanced Surveillance Mode S Transponders paired with the Rockwell Collins GPS-4000S WAAS GPS Receivers, plus installation of the IOC-4000 Bombardier Service Center ST00841DE.pdf ST00857DE Installation of MD215 Standby Altimeter Mid-Continent ST00857DE.pdf ST00857DE_AML.pdf ST00882DE Installation of Becker Avionics BXT6553 transponder Becker Avionics ST00882DE.pdf ST00882DE_AML.pdf ST00883DE Installation of Grumman LitefLCR-100 Attitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS) in place of existing LCR-93 AHRS DAC International ST00883DE.pdf ST00892DE Installation of dual BendixKing KT 74 Transponders and optional BendixKing KGX 150 Receiver BendixKing ST00892DE.pdf ST00895DE Installation of the Garmin G700 TXi Avionics Suite Worldwide Aircraft Services ST00895DE.pdf ST00912DE Installation of Future Air Navigation System (FANS) 1/A+, Remote Oceanic Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC), Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract (ADS-C), and CPDLC Departure Clearance (CPDLC-DCL) Gulfstream Service Center ST00912DE.pdf ST00934DE Installation of Becker Avionics BXT6553 transponder DAC International ST00934DE.pdf ST00934DE_AML.pdf ST01083DE Installation of the Aviation Clean Air Airborne Air & Surface Purification System on aircraft listed in the Approved Model List (Single Duct Models) Peregrine Avionics ST001083DE.pdf ST001083DE_AML.pdf ST01070DE Installation of the Curtiss-Wright Fortress Flight Data Recorder (with Cockpit Voice Recorder) Peregrine Avionics Curtiss Wright ST01070DE.pdf ST01070DE_AML.pdf Rotorcraft STCs Search: STC Title Available from STC Doc AML Doc SR00828DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out functionality using the Garmin G330ES or G33H ES Transponder and qualified position sensor Peregrine Avionics SR00828DE.pdf SR00828DE_AML.pdf SR00851DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out functionality using the Garmin GTX 330ES transponder and a qualified position sensor Peregrine Avionics SR00851DE.pdf SR00851DE_AML.pdf SR00764DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out functionality using the Trig Avionics TT22 Transponder and Freeflight Systems 1201 Global Positioning System (GPS) with Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Trig SR00764DE.pdf SR00821DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Out and in functionality using the BendixKing KT74 Transponder and qualified position sensor and ADS-B In Receiver BendixKing SR00821DE.pdf SR00821DE_AML.pdf SR00847DE Replacement of Honeywell (formerly Sperry) ED-800 cathode ray tube (CRT) display, part number (p/n) 7003110-901/-902, with Esterline CMC Electronics CMA-6800 multi-purpose liquid crystal display (LCD), p/n 100-604045-001/-002, respectively DAC International SR00847DE.pdf SR00925DE Installation of Garmin GTX 335/335R and GTX345/345R transponders to provide ADS-B Out and In functionality SEAerospace SR00925DE.pdf SR00925DE_AML.pdf SR09654RC FreeFlight Systems RANGR ADS-B Out/In Installation Part 27 AML (Includes Airbus, Bell and Robinson Rotorcraft) Trig SR09654RC.pdf SR09654RC_AML.pdf Normal Category Airplane STCs Search: STC Title Available from STC Doc AML Doc SA00744DE Installation of the Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Equipment using a Trig Avionics TT31 Transponder and an approved position sensor Trig SA00744DE.pdf SA00744DE_AML.pdf SA00756DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Equipment using a Trig Avionics TT22 Transponder and an approved Global Positioning System (GPS) Position Sensor Trig SA00756DE.pdf SA00756DE_AML.pdf SA00762DE Installation of the MidContinent MD302 Standby Digital Flight Instrument System Mid-Continent SA00762DE.pdf SA00765DE Installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) Out functionality using the BendixKing KT74 Transponder and qualified position sensor BendixKing SA00765DE.pdf SA00765DE_AML.pdf SA01031DE Installation of the Garmin GSR 56 SATCOM transceiver and Flightstream 210 transceiver Daher SA01031DE.pdf SA01044DE FINNOFF Aviation Products installation of an advanced lithium-ion battery [TB44] manufactured by True Blue Power in the make and model listed [PC-12, PC-12/45 AND PC-12/47] Finnoff SA01044DE.pdf SA01053DE Gogo AVANCE L3 Air to Ground system installation ... Air-to-Ground System Pilatus PC-12 [, PC-12/45, PC-12/47, PC-12/47E] Western Aircraft SA01053DE.pdf SA01822WI Installation of a True Blue TB44 Lithium Ion Battery, Cessna Caravan Mid-Continent SA01822WI.pdf SA01835WI Installation of Trig Avionics TY-96 or TY-97 VHF Communications Radio Trig SA01835WI.pdf SA01835WI_AML.pdf SA09886AC BendixKing CG100P Connected Gateway Installation Part 23 AML (King Air 200/B200) BendixKing SA09886AC.pdf SA09886AC_AML.pdf