Sunny summer days might seem like an odd time to consider Gulfstream G150 flap/slat icing, but now is the ideal time schedule your installation of the Peregrine supplemental type certificate (STC), ST01075DE, covering the installation of flap and slat actuator heaters to ensure improved high-lift system operation.
Even with the latest, newer actuators freeze-ups can occur. After exposure to precipitation or high humidity, followed by freezing temperature at cruise altitude, the G150 flap and slap actuators can freeze preventing deployment. Installation of the Peregrine STC mitigates unplanned operational expenses: costly diversions to alternate destination with a runway of suitable length, passenger-experienced delays, and increased direct and indirect operational costs, such as system re-calibration Gulfstream.
The actuator heaters ensure the reliable operation and deployment of the leading-edge slats and flaps in all operational environments and the STC does not modify the G150 Flap/Slat drive system controls, indications, safety mechanisms or recommended lubrication maintenance procedures.