*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* View this email in your browser (*|ARCHIVE|*) ** G150 FLAP/SLAT SYSTEM FREEZING SOLVED WITH PEREGRINE STC ------------------------------------------------------------ * You depend on your Gulfstream G150 for reliable point to point travel. You follow icing forecasts and count on the anti-icing systems that are part of the G150 for safe and dependable operation. * G150s have a known issue, regardless of updated actuators, where the actuators can freeze, preventing flap and slat deployment. * Avoid the possibility of this disruption to your missions with the Peregrine STC. Without modification or replacement of actuators, this STC includes actuator anti-icing heaters to ensure reliable flap and slat operation. * Gulfstream FASTteam G150 aircraft already have incorporated this STC, shouldn’t you? * Click here to get more information, pricing and scheduling. (mailto:lcarlson@peregrine.aero?subject=G150%20Flap%2FSlat%20Inquiry&body=Please%20include%20your%20aircraft%20registration%20number%2C%20email%20and%20a%20phone%20number.) ============================================================ “Peregrine is ready to provide a turnkey installation of the system at our Denver area Part 145 repair station partner that equipped the Gulfstream FAST G150s, alternatively, Peregrine can supply the STC and installation components for installation your preferred authorized repair station.” - David Rankin, president, Peregrine ** Web Site (http://peregrine.aero) ** Contact (mailto:lcarlson@peregrine.aero?subject=G150%20STC%20inquiry) Peregrine +1 (303) 325-3873 7385 South Peoria Street Unit C4 Englewood, CO, USA 80112 Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved. *|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|* *|LIST:DESCRIPTION|* Our mailing address is: *|LIST_ADDRESS|* *|END:IF|* Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences (*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*) or ** unsubscribe from this list (*|UNSUB|*) . *|IF:REWARDS|* *|REWARDS_TEXT|* *|END:IF|*