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Stop by our booth, #324, at AEA Dallas. Come early and show us our newly updated website on your phone and claim a sleek, limited-edition water bottle celebrating our ODA!

While you are there, we can discuss how our Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) can address your engineering and certification approvals on a streamlined, expedited basis.

Peregrine is now classified as ODA (AIR)-834328-NM. This designation allows Peregrine to develop and approve many types of STCs for Part 23, Part 25, Part 27 and Part 29 aircraft on behalf of the FAA. Using an ODA will accelerate your STC project and can cut at least two-thirds of the processing time compared with using FAA resources.

In addition to ODA services and STC development for avionics upgrades, Peregrine offers Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA) components and installation kits, plus the approval to manufacture parts to Technical Standard Order (TSO) standards. Additional services include engineering design and integration, flight testing, dealer equipment sales, rapid prototyping, 3D printing, metal fabrication, and wire harness assembly.
+1 (303) 325-3873
7385 South Peoria Street Unit C4
Englewood, CO, USA 80112
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