*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* View this email in your browser (*|ARCHIVE|*) http://peregrine.aero ** PEREGRINE EXCLUSIVE SOURCE FOR ACA COVID-19 NEUTRALIZATION SYSTEM FOR BOMBARDIER 600 SERIES AIRCRAFT ------------------------------------------------------------ Peregrine selected as the exclusive source of the Aviation Clean Air (ACA) active SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus sanitization technology for the Bombardier Challenger family of aircraft (600/601/604/605/650 series including CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12, CL-600-2B16 (601-3A Variant, 601-3R Variant, and 604 Variant). Using the ACA unique needle point bipolar ionization (NPBI™) system installed in the aircraft environmental control system, cabin and cockpit air is continually infused with positive and negative ions that effectively neutralize viruses and other pathogens. The system installation data and Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) for Challenger business aircraft is now available from Peregrine. “This system implements a layered defense for protecting aircraft passengers and crew by augmenting cleaning procedures with an active, always-on system that provides continuous, effective neutralization of harmful pathogens.” David Rankin, president of Peregrine stated. “This installation and the other collaboratively developed STCs are now available to users and operators Bombardier aircraft.” The STC and ACA equipment for Challenger aircraft are available exclusively from Peregrine and can be installed by Bombardier Service Centers or qualified Part 145 repair stations. Click here to contact Peregrine (https://peregrine.aero/home/contact-us/) mailto:drankin@peregrine.aero?subject=600%20Series%20ACA%20Interest&body=Please%20contact%20addressee%20and%20provide%20more%20information%20regarding%20the%20Bombardier%20Challenger%20600%20Series%20ACA%20STCfor more information regarding the STC and the straightforward installation of the ACA equipment. https://peregrine.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/PR-201210-Peregrine-ACA-Excel-Press-Release-Approved.pdf Click on image above to download the Peregrine Press Release (https://peregrine.aero/home/news/) ============================================================ Peregrine-developed STCs for the ACA system are also available for aftermarket installation in the ** Gulfstream G-IV (https://peregrine.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/PR-200708-Peregrine-Lee-Aerospace-G-IV-Press-Release.pdf) and GIV-SP models, Falcon 50 and 900, ** 560XL (https://peregrine.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/PR-201210-Peregrine-ACA-Excel-Press-Release-Approved.pdf) family, in addition to the Bombardier aircraft. We are very proud to provide key industry-wide effort and support creating RTCA DO-388 and EUROCAE ED-287, “Guidance Document on Aircraft Cleaning and Disinfection” and the role these documents will have making aircraft a safe, pathogen-free environment, significantly enhancing passenger and crew health & safety. Copies of DO-388 and ED-287 are available for purchase and download at ** www.rtca.org (http://www.rtca.org) or ** www.eurocae.net (http://www.eurocae.net) ** Web Site (http://peregrine.aero) ** Contact (https://peregrine.aero/home/contact-us/) ** Peregrine (http://peregrine.aero) +1 (303) 325-3873 7385 South Peoria Street Unit C4 Englewood, CO, USA 80112 Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved. *|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|* *|LIST:DESCRIPTION|* Our mailing address is: *|LIST_ADDRESS|* *|END:IF|* Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences (*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*) or ** unsubscribe from this list (*|UNSUB|*) . *|IF:REWARDS|* *|REWARDS_TEXT|* *|END:IF|*