*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* View this email in your browser (*|ARCHIVE|*) https://peregrine.aero/ ** PEREGRINE’S HAWKER 4000 STC IMPROVES AFT BAY COOLING RELIABILITY ------------------------------------------------------------ Peregrine received FAA approval for improved reliability of the Hawker 4000 cooling blowers. Applicable to the entire fleet of the Hawker 4000, formerly known as the Hawker Horizon, the installation data and Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) (https://peregrine.aero/home/stcs/) #ST01035DE are now available from Peregrine. The STC and Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA)-qualified installation hardware improves dispatch reliability and reduces maintenance actions caused by annunciated failures of the aft compartment heat exchange blower. Used during ground operations in higher ambient temperatures, the Peregrine STC incorporates an AMETEK brushless blower exhibiting significantly higher reliability and greater assurance of eliminating hot spots in this compartment. https://peregrine.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/210503-Peregrine-Hawker-4000-STC-Press-Release-Final.pdf Click on image above to download the Peregrine Press Release (https://peregrine.aero/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/210503-Peregrine-Hawker-4000-STC-Press-Release-Final.pdf) ============================================================ “This STC, while addressing a single aircraft model, demonstrates the versatility of the Peregrine team to develop a targeted solution to meet a customer’s unique needs. Solutions such as this STC complement our team’s other Approved Model List (AML) STCs that address installation of systems multiple aircraft models and types.” - David Rankin, president, Peregrine ** Web Site (http://peregrine.aero) ** Contact (mailto:press@peregrine.aero?subject=campaign%20inquiry) Peregrine +1 (303) 325-3873 7385 South Peoria Street Unit C4 Englewood, CO, USA 80112 Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved. *|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|* *|LIST:DESCRIPTION|* Our mailing address is: *|LIST_ADDRESS|* *|END:IF|* Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences (*|UPDATE_PROFILE|*) or ** unsubscribe from this list (*|UNSUB|*) . *|IF:REWARDS|* *|REWARDS_TEXT|* *|END:IF|*