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Peregrine announces the addition of Todd Bailey to the executive team as Vice President, Operations. Mr. Bailey brings over 30 years of aerospace engineering and management experience to Peregrine.

Peregrine is excited to expand its current avionics and certification capabilities with the addition of structural design and fabrication experience that Mr. Bailey brings to the organization, including over 15 years in engineering and program management in roles as manager, director and president.  

Through Mr. Bailey’s experience in utilizing additive manufacturing for the development of rapid prototypes, short-run tooling and complex production parts,

Mr. Bailey will provide additional focus to the company goals of achieving FAA-ODA delegation and expansion and diversification of the company customer base through his experience in special mission aircraft modifications and accessories.

Click on image above to download the Peregrine Press Release
Peregrine customers can expect significant cost and schedule savings over traditional tooling and fabrication methods commonly used during the development of supplemental type certificates and installation kits.
“We look forward to expanding the range of engineering and certification services that Peregrine offers to our customers. With Todd's background and our additional manufacturing capabilities, we will be able to include the production of installation kits and hardware to our expanding range of services.
- David Rankin, president, Peregrine
+1 (303) 325-3873
7385 South Peoria Street Unit C4
Englewood, CO, USA 80112
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