Curtiss-Wright Corporation, in conjunction with SoCal Jets, Inc. and Peregrine Avionics have developed a solution to meet the requirements for recorders as outlined in NOM‑022‑SCT3 2011 in accordance with CP AV-022 dated April 15, 2019. The Approved Model List Supplemental Type Certificate (AML STC) #ST01070DE has been awarded to Peregrine and is now available for installation.
This AML STC, “Curtiss-Wright Fortress Flight Data Recorder (with Cockpit Voice Recorder), Class C Cockpit Image Recorder, and Dukane Seacom Underwater Locating Device Installation" covers the Learjet 30 Series, Learjet 45, Hawker 800 and 1000 Series and Citation 10 (750) aircraft and incorporates the use of a Class C Airborne Image Reorder camera and a new cockpit voice recorder. This camera records images of the cockpit instrument panel and thus installation costs and downtime are significantly reduced.